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"Acting" Shakespeare

The books linked here may be of special interest to our Film & Theatre Students, as they focus on acting technique.

Recommended Books

Secrets of Acting Shakespeare

Secrets of Acting Shakespeare isn't a book that gently instructs. It is a passionate, yes-you-can guide designed to prove that anybody can act Shakespeare.

Clues to Acting Shakespeare

An actor-friendly explanation of the skills necessary to act Shakespeare's texts with precision, sensitivity and power.

A Shakespearean Actor Prepares

There is no general consensus about how Shakespeare "should" be played: there are no rules. This book is not concerned with arriving, but with setting out. It will point out the sources of energy in his plays, which, if tapped, will galvanize an actor's fantasy and liberate his talent.

Freeing Shakespeare's Voice: The Actor's Guide to Talking the Text

A passionate exploration of the process of comprehending and speaking the words of William Shakespeare. Detailing exercises and analyzing characters' speech and rhythms, Linklater provides the tools to increase understanding and make Shakespeare's words one's own.

Pronouncing Shakespeare's Words

First published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.