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ENGL 102 - English Composition II- Woodring

This guide provides research and citation support for your ENGL 102 writing assignments.

3 or More Authors

*For in-text citations use et al. Example: (Smith et al.)

*For a Works Cited page use et al. Example:

Smith, David, et al. "The Importance of a Works Citation Page." Citation Machine, vol. 24, no. 2, Spring 2015, pp. 107-108. Academic Search Complete, %2flogin.aspx%fdirect%3dtrue%26db%3da9h%26AN%3d2491181%26site%dehost-live%26scope%dsite.

Database In-Text Citation Infographic

mla in-text article citation examples

MLA In-Text Citations: BASICS


Are you paraphrasing or quoting a source?

  • Yes- One author (Smith 45)
  • Yes- Two authors (Smith and Jones 45)
  • Yes- Three or more authors ((Smith et al. 45)
  • No- No in-text citation needed

Does the article have an author?

  • Yes- (Smith 45) *Refer to the examples under the heading Are you paraphrasing or quoting a source for more than one author.
  • No- Use a shortened article title (“Heart Health” 45)
  • Is the author mentioned in the sentence? Yes- (45)
  • No- (Smith 45) *Refer to the examples under the heading Are you paraphrasing or quoting a source for more than one author.

Website In-Text Citation Infographic

mla in-text website examples

MLA  In-text Citations: Paraphrasing or Quoting from a Website

Does the website have an author?

  • Yes- (Smith)
  • No- Only an article title exists. Shorten the title. (“Heart Health”)
  • No- Group, organization, or government author. (Verizon Wireless). (United States. Department of Labor).