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ENGL 057 - Critical Connections in Reading and Writing - Lupinacci

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Paper 3 (200 points) Peer edit (50 points)

In his keynote speech at the 2012 Democratic National Convention, Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio, observed, “the American Dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay.” The metaphor of a relay implies that we only run our portion of the race; we receive the baton from someone before us, and then we pass the baton on to someone after us. This can be seen in terms of one generation to the next. In that way, our parents and caregivers play an extraordinarily important role in preparing us for our portion of the race (life). Consider how Rose Mary and Rex Walls prepared their children for adulthood. Consider the obstacles that they faced in achieving the American Dream.

In the paper, you will explore using the library for researching a specific issue which is a part of the novel. For example, you may consider the topic of poverty, homelessness, welfare, alcoholism, or child abuse. All of those issues represent obstacles to overcome in order to achieve the American Dream. You will consider the many sides and factors of this issue and take a stance. 

Consider the thesis statement: In reading the novel The Glass Castle, the audience is confronted with the issue of ---. Through the eyes of the characters, we see that (this action) should occur to encourage more families to… or (this action) should occur to prevent this from happening to other families.

Writing this paper will allow you to both practice writing an argumentative paper with library sources and also write a critical literary analysis as you use the novel to find specific passages to support your thesis.

You must include examples using in-text citations in MLA 8 format from the reading to show your connections. You must also include 2 sources from the library to help provide additional support for your analysis of the reading. The assignment should run 3 pages in length and should contain a works cited page. 

In order to earn points for the peer edit, you must be on time and present for class with a completed draft including your works cited page listing all of your sources.