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Strategies to Support Reading

Strategies, Descriptions & Examples

Active Learning/Reading: Using attention and strategies to learn through reading

Previewing and Predicting: Helps activate prior knowledge using clues in text (pictures, subtitles, etc.)

Connecting and Comparing: Connecting prior knowledge to new information & thinking more specifically about connections made e.g. How is the similar/different to…?

Schema: Organizing knowledge to provide framework for understanding

Comprehending: Understanding of the material read

Metacognition: Being aware of understanding what is being read and regulating thinking process (thinking about thinking).

Inferencing: Taking information from a text and creating interpretations beyond the literal level

Critical Reading and Thinking Skills: Interpreting and evaluating heard and read material (thinking deeply)

Synthesizing: Piecing information together to keep track of what is happening

Creating Images: Creating sensory images

Self-Questioning: Providing a framework or active learning as students engage with the text to find answers

Skimming: Glancing quickly through material to gain an overall view of text

Scanning: Glancing through a text to locate specific details, e.g. names, dates, etc.

Determining Importance: Prioritizing most important information from phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter or whole text

Summarizing and Paraphrasing: Reducing larger texts to focus on important elements & re-stating in own words using key words to capture main focus

Vocabulary/Decoding Word Structure: Using word parts to break multi-syllabic words into smaller chunks

Using Context Clues: Unlocking the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading on to determine unknown word/phrase

Adjusting Reading Rate: Adjusting rate when appropriate, e.g. slowing down to comprehend new information, or speeding up to scan for key words

Using Analogy: Transferring familiar words to help identify unfamiliar words

Using References: Using a dictionary, thesaurus, reference chart or glossary to help find word meanings/pronunciations