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PSYC 101 - General Psychology - Edmond

Keeping Track

decorativeWhen you find an article in one of our databases that you would like to use, you need to make sure that you can access it again when needed, as well as share it with your instructor as required. The full text of the article is often presented in one of two ways: HTML Full Text or PDF Full Text. The PDF is preferable when available because it shows the article as it was originally presented, and will include any tables, charts, and images in the location they are meant to be presented. The HTML full text may or may not include those graphics, or they may have them included in awkward places or typed up in a strange way. Directions on how to save the article, regardless of format, in our two most popular databases are given on this page. Additionally, you want to take note of all the information you will need for citations while you are here, and may even want to use the databases pre-made citations. Please be sure to review the Q&A to make sure you are fixing your citations as needed!

Save the Article's Full-Text

If you are saving an item that includes PDF Full Text, you must save from within the Adobe Viewer (as opposed to your browser's File menu). Once you select the PDF Full-Text of the article you want to view, Adobe Viewer opens and displays the PDF Full Text within the page. You will need to move your mouse around the make sure you have the toolbar before you get the download button to appear. Alternatively, you can right-click and "save as". 

screenshot indicating the location of the download button

EBSCOhost provides the default download name of "Content Server.pdf" for all of their PDFs, so you will want to rename the file as soon as possible, otherwise, you will have several different articles with the same name with a number after it. 

If you are looking at an item that only has HTML available, you have to manually create a PDF in order to be able to upload it anywhere. The easiest way is to use the Print Button in the article tools column. This brings up the Print panel where you can choose what to include when printing. 

Screenshot showing location of "print" button in article tools menu.


After you click the Print button within the print panel, you will be prompted to print the document. You should have an option to change the printer destination to Save as PDF. The language and look of this varies, but it is something that is commonly available. 

Screenshot showing "Save as PDF" as a printer destination option


If you do not have a PDF available, sometimes the easiest thing to do is add it to your Google Drive. The first time you do it you will need to follow a series of prompts to connect your drive, but when you have done so successfully you will get confirmation that the document has been saved. 

Google Drive button in article tools column with save confirmation panel

This places two documents in your drive that you can then share as needed or download as a PDF. 

Google Drive  showing recent documents

ProQuest has a "Download PDF" button that makes the process as seamless as possible! Just click the button and a file with a name that is reflective of the article will download to your device. 

Screenshot showing location of Download PDF button

If you are saving an item that only has HTML available, you can have ProQuest convert it to a PDF of the text that has been typed. You need to select the button labeled "All Options" (or "All Save Options" for screen readers) to open the "All Save Options" zone. In the last row labeled "Other Options" select the "PDF" button. This will bring up an additional prompt, but you can just click save from there. A new window will open to tell you that it is processing the download. 

Screenshot of location all options and pdf buttons


Citation From Databases Q& A

Q: Wait... the databases will do the citations for me? 

A: Sort of. It does what everything else does for citations: processes input to create output. It does it better than most, but they still make mistakes and you do need to review it with an eye towards detail. You need to make sure you are using the correct citation style and edition, check that everything is done correctly and that there is no extraneous information in the citation. 

Q: So if I have to fix it, how do I know what to fix?

A: You should always check the citation against the rules for citing that the manual gives. There is a whole other page dedicated to citations, but as someone who has done this copy-paste-fix citation thing for a long time, I can tell you what the database does incorrectly on a regular basis. Here are some things you will need to double-check: 

  • Make sure you're using the right citation style and the correct edition. The most recent version of APA is the 7th Edition. 
  • Make sure the author's credentials are NOT in the citation. It should be their last name and first initials. 
  • Make sure the necessary date information is included - this varies based on the type of source so check!
  • Ensure the correct capitalization of the titles (first words after punctuation and proper nouns).
  • Fix the doi address to make it just and not include any ezproxy information.

Q: Uh... What is a DOI? EZproxy??

A: DOI stands for "Digital Object Identifier", and is a permanent address for a piece of information. This allows someone to click the link and find it, regardless of what institutions they may belong to. EZproxy is the service that makes sure only HACC students/faculty/staff can access the resources that we purchase for you. So if you gave the EZproxy link to a friend from another school, they wouldn't be able to access any information about the article, but if you use the DOI address you can find out more about the article.