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On Diversity: Access Ain't Inclusion


College Students' Sense of Belonging

This book explores how belonging differs based on students' social identities, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, or the conditions they encounter on campus.

Radical Hope

At once political and practical--the work of an activist, teacher, and public intellectual grappling with some of the most pressing topics at the intersection of higher education and social justice.

Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and Girls

"In the powerful essays that make up Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and Girls, Black women and girls are listened to, appreciated and valued in recognition of the unrelenting challenges to our existence in a world that continues to be committed to stifling our voices.

From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education

A practical guide for achieving equitable outcomes From Equity Talk to Equity Walk offers practical guidance on the design and application of campus change strategies for achieving equitable outcomes.

Inclusion in Higher Education: Research Initiatives on Campus

. Contributors analyze inclusion initiatives that address the experiences of minoritized groups on college campuses and recommend tailored interventions for the needs of underrepresented students in varied fields of study.

The Mis-Education of the Negro

Carter G. Woodson shows us the weakness of Euro-centric based curriculums that fail to include African American history and culture.

Overcoming Educational Racism in the Community College

Overall, nearly half of all incoming community college students "drop-out" within twelve months of enrolling, with students of color and the economically disadvantaged faring far worse.

White Guys on Campus

White Guys on Campus is a critical examination of race in higher education, centering Whiteness, in an effort to unveil the frequently unconscious habits of racism among White male undergraduates.

Teaching about Race and Racism in the College Classroom

Kernahan argues that you can be honest and unflinching in your teaching about racism while also providing a compassionate learning environment that allows for mistakes and avoids shaming students.


Segregation Forever Underrepresentation of Black and Latino Undergraduates (Higher Education)


Study: Black and Latino Students More Likely to Experience ‘Math Traps’

