HACC provides printing services to current students in all Learning Commons spaces.
When the student is ready to send their print job to the printer they will use their MyHACC login credentials (Hawkmail prefix and password) to log in at their workstation, then they will log in with the same credentials at the print release station.
In addition to Learning Commons spaces, students can print at campus Printing Hubs. These hubs are available in common areas that are open during all campus hours.
Note: Documents must be printed within 3 hours of being sent or they will be deleted from the queue and need to be resent.
Does printing cost money or have limits?
To print more than one PowerPoint slide to a page:
For large or Open Educational Resource (OER) printing, students can submit documents to the print shop to be picked up at their campus bookstore. Most requests are ready in 2 business days.