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HACC User Support: Change YOUR Password

Tech support provides effective and timely technical support for all HACC students, faculty, and staff.

How to change YOUR Password- Student Instructions

  1. To reset your password, go to  on your web browser
  2. Click on “Click here to LOGIN!” button
  3. Select the “Change Password” option if you know your current password and would like to change it or select “Expired Password?” or “Forgotten Password?” if you do not know your current password.  
  4. After selecting your option, you will be directed to enter your username and/or password depending on your selection.

  5. Enter your username (your HAWKMail email prefix), and verify your account by having a security code sent to you via email or phone number on file.  You will also be asked if you would like to update your contact information. You can update it if necessary, if not, please click on “Skip” and proceed to reset your password.
  6. Enter your new password following the password requirements guidelines provided, and confirm the new password.  Click “Save” and your new password is now set! 

*** Please remember to change your password on any devices that may have the old password saved on. Failure to do so may cause your account to be temporarily locked. Accounts that are locked will automatically unlock after 5 minutes.

Printable PDF Instructions for Changing YOUR Password- Student Instructions

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