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HACC Tutoring: For Faculty

HACC Tutoring is proud to offer student-centered academic support on a wide variety of subjects.

Learning Commons: Tutoring

Primary Schedule Notice

  • Winter 2024/2025 tutoring begins Monday, December 16
    • HOWL will be accepting submissions
    • ALL tutoring will be remote appointments.

Faculty Tutoring Request

HACC Faculty members may request support from HACC Tutoring for the reasons listed below. To submit a request, complete the Faculty Tutoring Request.

Classroom Support

In-Class Tutoring (ICT) - This program connects a faculty member and a tutor for a specific class. The tutor becomes familiar with specific course content which increases their ability to assist students with their comprehension of that material. With the tutor and Integrated Tutoring Specialist, you will discuss the best plan to incorporate ICT in your class. Please be aware that we are unable to provide ICT support to all courses at this time. Requests will be reviewed individually.

Single Visit - Tutoring support is available for a single classroom visit. A tutor can be requested to provide faculty support for a single lesson, a specific assignment, a workshop, etc. This is a supplemental service; tutors are not able to teach a class or proctor a test or quiz.

General Information - We are happy to have a tutor visit a class to provide an overview of tutoring services available to all registered  HACC students. Tutors can provide general information or course specific tutoring information.

Tutoring Proof of Attendance

Faculty members may also complete this form to request tutoring attendance reports: date and time of visit, length of visit, center (on-campus location or remote), and reason (drop-in, appointment, HOWL, or academic coaching).

Request Form

Course Material Submission

On-Campus Hours
Remote Service Hours
Library- 24/7 Chat Coverage
Tutoring- Drop in Zoom 
Testing- By Appointment
User Support- 24/7 Coverage

TEAS Study Group Information
Microsoft Office information
HACC Online Writing Lab information