Student Access Services is committed to an equal educational opportunity and full inclusion for students requiring accommodations for disabilities, temporary or permanent.
Student Access Services has multiple purposes:
Just about everything you need to know about Student Access Services can be found in this Survival Guide.
Quizlet offers great study resources including flashcards and study guides. You can create your own study sets (you can upload your notes) or search for sets you may find helpful. |
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. |
The 2020-2021 ATI TEAS Study Manual was written by the creator of the exam. You can get a print or ebook version of the manual. It is aligned to the actual TEAS test. Integrated exam Resources include a new full-length, comprehensive practice test with rationales for right and wrong answers. The current price for the study manual is $25.00. |
Complete Anatomy 2021 (only for iPad) 3D Human Body Atlas & Courses Take a free 3-day trial of the world’s most accurate, most advanced & best-selling 3D anatomy platform, with ground-breaking technology & content. Now with Radiology! |
Visual Anatomy Lite (for iPhone and iPad) Visual Muscle, bone and organ Interactive anatomy reference with muscle action movies, 3D rotational models, Gray's anatomy images add-on, Latin names, a muscle highlighting tool and full description! |