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SCI 100- Science: First Year Seminar- Davis

Step 2a: Watch This Video!

Step 2c: Informed Scientist Assignment

Every discipline has related areas of knowledge which are of critical importance to all practitioners. What areas do you expect to need to be conversant in for your future field? 

  1. Using the background databases below, explore current and past issues in the discipline you plan to enter. Settle on 3 specific topics people in that discipline would be interested in. Then go to the course's Discussions list.
  2. In the Informed Scientist discussion topic: Post a new thread stating a career field you hope to enter and the 3 topics (1 point). Let us know which of the 3 you find most interesting and why (2 points).
  3. Read your classmates' posts and respond to 2 posts (2 points), discussing any interesting elements such as career choice, most intriguing topic, suggesting a different topic, etc. Get to know a little more about your classmates goals and interests by having a conversation.