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ENGL 003 - Strategy-Based Reading III - Thayer

This is the class guide for Professor Thayer's REMOTE and YORK Strategy-Based Reading III classes

What are Background Resources?

A background resource gives you an overview of a topic. Background information can include the history of a topic, the current issue involved, people connected with the topic, etc.II. What background databases are available at HACC?

What do background databases have in common?

They give you background information

  • They provide evaluated Web sites
  • They provide links to articles and books
  • They include pro/con debates
  • They include current news stories

What do background databases have in common with our online book catalog and other databases?

Background databases may search by keyword or subject, or browse a topic list  

Picking Your Topic IS Research

Background Reading Databases

Credo Reference

Articles from encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference sources from all subject areas. Includes images, audio pronunciation files, maps, and data tables.

Oxford Reference Online

Articles from encyclopedias, dictionaries, and reference sources from all subject areas. Includes quotations, maps, and illustrations.

Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints

Topic overviews, contrasting viewpoints, articles, primary source documents, statistics, videos, and recommended websites covering specific issues.

Opposing Viewpoints Overview Video