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NURS 143 - Informatics in Nursing Practice - Hess

This is the class research guide for CRN 26268, Fall 2024.

Nursing Databases

screenshot of CINAHL database


Full-text scholarly and peer reviewed articles for nursing and allied health topics.

ProQuest Central

Health & Medicine (ProQuest)

Full-text articles covering health, medicine, substance abuse, and many other health-related topics.


Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

Provides students, allied health professionals, nurses, and medical educators access to scholarly journals on many medical disciplines.

Scholarly or Popular?

This chart briefly explains the different characteristics of articles
  Scholarly Journals Popular Magazines/Newspapers
Length of articles long, 5 - 50 pages short, 1 - 5 pages
Audience academics, professors, specialists in the field general readers 
Authority academics, researchers, scientists journalists, professional writers
Sources includes References or Works Cited  source material not usually included
Look for data, charts, tables, few ads photographs, commercial advertising
Frequency quarterly, annually  daily, weekly, 
Subject  single, specific aspect of a topic variety of topics, entertain or inform
Language specialized vocabulary conventional, high school level
Peer-review  reviewed by experts in the field editor, or staff, proofread 


Anatomy of a Scholarly Article

Citing a Scholarly Article in APA Samples

Scholarly vs. Popular Sources