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Open Educational Resources (OER)

LibreTexts Resources and Training

LibreTexts is an Open Education Resource (OER) platform that allows users to develop course content materials at no cost. HACC has chosen this platform and is a LibreNet member, offering our faculty more options and support. Various resources and training are available to help you plan your OER project.  The platform provides a location to gather, design, write, and share course materials.


Click here to create your Libretexts account and learn how to get started.


We have also created a LibreTexts Support guide to provide links to content-specific training as you plan and complete your OER project.

LibreTexts Support

A LibreTexts representative is available via Zoom to answer your platform questions.  Weekly LibreTexts office hours Zoom meetings are open to everyone.  Office hours are available weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Tuesdays: at 12:00 p.m. (EST)

Thursdays 12:00 p.m (EST)


OER creators may upload OER material from sources other than LibreTexts.  The LibreTexts Platform houses OER from other sources.  You may request to have information added to the bookshelf in LibreTexts by sending an e-mail to


This forum provides an opportunity to crowdsource to find answers to your questions/problems with other Libretexts users.


OER Co-Chairs

OER Faculty Mentors

Allyson Valentine (
Valerie Gray (
Karen Woodring (
Robert Wagner (