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HACC Faculty Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Focusing on Generative AI

Overall Considerations for Detecting AI

Important: AI detection tools are not fully reliable and should not be used as the sole means of determining academic integrity. 

AI detection tools can assist in reviewing student work, but these tools have been shown to produce false positives and should always be used in conjunction with human evaluation (see "Risks of AI Detection Tools" below for more information). Consider the following principles before using any AI detection tool:

Ethical Principles for Detecting AI-Generated Text in Student Work infographic
Ethical Principles for Detecting Ai-Generated Text in Student Work Transcript

Ethical Principles for Detecting AI-Generated Text in Student Work by Sarah Elaine Eaton, PhD. I am not a fan of using detection tools to try to identify text generated by artificial intelligence apps in student work,but if you are going to use them, here are some guidelines to do so ethically and transparently. Covert or deceptive use of any kind of detection tools is antithetical to assessing student work with integrity. If we expect students to act with integrity, then educators must model ethical behavior themselves. Policy Check: Before you use any detection apps, check to ensure their use is permitted by your institution. Departmental Check: Check with your department head or supervisor to ensure that they have no objections to the use of detection tools for student assessment. Course Syllabus: Declare the use of any detection tools in writing in your course outline. Know that having a statement in your course outline does not replace the need for open conversations with students. Talk to Students: Have open and honest conversations with students about how you plan to use detection tools. Do this before using the tools, so students are not surprised. Be upfront and clear. .

Risks of AI Detection Tools

Detecting AI-Generated Text, Images, and Videos