There are several ways you can find a popular source that deals with the topic of psychology. You can browse a psychology-related publication, find an article on a website, or even search in our databases.
Searches across all ProQuest databases. Articles from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers covering every subject area and news topics.
Narrowing the search to magazines provides only results that are published in a popular source.
When you put words in a search box, it is by default using the word "and" to combine your terms. You will likely find "or" to be useful in identifying references to studies:
Typing Shift + 8 on a standard keyboard tells the database to look for various word forms.
Using quotation marks in your search tells the database to look for those words together as a phrase. It can be helpful in identifying key phrases:
Narrowing the search to magazines provides only results that are published in a popular source.
When you put words in a search box, it is by default using the word "and" to combine your terms. You will likely find "or" to be useful in identifying references to studies:
Typing Shift + 8 on a standard keyboard tells the database to look for various word forms.
Using quotation marks in your search tells the database to look for those words together as a phrase. It can be helpful in identifying key phrases:
Narrowing the search to magazines provides only results that are published in a popular source.
" " - Searches as an exact phrase
* - Truncates a term to search for varied endings
( ) - Tells the database to do this part first
AND - Finds all the words
OR - Finds either of the words
NOT - Excludes a word from search