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PSYC 101 - General Psychology - Bailey (Gettysburg)

Popular Source

There are several ways you can find a popular source that deals with the topic of psychology. You can browse a psychology-related publication, find an article on a website, or even search in our databases. 

Browse Trade Publications

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Search a Database

ProQuest Central

Searches across all ProQuest databases. Articles from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers covering every subject area and news topics.

Search Tips

And / Or / Not

When you put words in a search box, it is by default using the word "and" to combine your terms. You will likely find "or" to be useful in identifying references to studies:

  • study or research*

Videos on Search Strategies

"  " - Searches as an exact phrase
- Truncates a term to search for varied endings
( ) - Tells the database to do this part first

AND - Finds all the words
OR - Finds either of the words
NOT - Excludes a word from search