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ESL 070 - Integrated Reading & Writing - Mummert

Popular vs. Trade vs. Scholarly Periodicals


Magazines: a type of popular periodical read mostly for entertainment value or to get quick news related information. Written for a very broad and diverse audience so as many people as possible can understand the information found within. (These are titles you can easily find in places like grocery stores, newsstands and book store news racks and are fairly inexpensive). Articles in magazines will rarely be long or include exhaustive details and bibliographic information. Examples of magazines include: Time, People, and Entertainment Weekly.

Trade Publications: (also called trade journals; professional journals; trade periodicals; or trade magazines): a periodical or magazine that contains articles relevant to a specific trade, industry, or profession. The focus is on current news, trends and issues. Unlike scholarly journals, they do not contain original research and are not usually peer reviewed. Examples of trade publications include: Cardiology Today; Nation’s Restaurant News; Industrial Engineer.

Scholarly Journals: often peer-reviewed periodical titles that are written almost exclusively for a specific audience (those actually in the field) and by experts wishing to share their own information/research to other experts in their field. These titles can rarely be found at stores by general audiences. They include mostly expansive articles with exhaustive research. citations, and bibliographic information. Example of scholarly journals include: Laboratory Medicine, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, and Journal of Periodontology.

Basic Database Searching (HACC Video)

Basic Database Searching Transcript

You have to find an article on climate change and your professor expects you to use college worthy sources. Google is not an option. Now what? Well, let's take a look at the HACC database EBSCOhost. To get started, type your search term climate change in the search box. Press enter or click search to see your results. Your search gives you thousands of results, but who has time to look at all of those articles? If you look to the left, you'll find several options for narrowing your search that will improve the likelihood you'll find an article you can use. Under the heading "limit to," click on FULL TEXT. This reduces your results list by removing any results that don't include the complete text of the article. Now let's think about date range. For some topics and assignments, we may want to look at older articles for historical information. However, for this assignment and topic, we want more up-to-date information. Let's stick to articles that have been published in the past 10 years. There are two ways you can do this. One is to click in the box to the left of the words publication date and type in the oldest year your professor will accept. The second is to click and drag the left slide bar to the right until you see the year you want in the left box. Now that you've set the date range according to your needs, you'll see the heading source types depending on the requirements of your assignment you can choose articles from the source required. For example, if your professor wants only scholarly sources, then you can select academic journals and the results list will show only articles from scholarly sources. Great, now you've narrowed your results list. It's time to take a look at what you have. You'll start by reading each title to determine if the article has the information you're looking for. When you find an article that looks interesting and is about your topic, you'll want to read the abstract. The abstract can be viewed by placing your mouse over the magnifying glass to the right of the title. This brief summary of the article will let you know if the material in the article is useful to you. Let's say you've read the abstract and the article is definitely something you need. Click on the title of the article to open the full record. Review the article information and make sure you're meeting the requirements of the assignment. From this screen, you can email your article and even get help with the citation. When you click on the citation icon, a pop up window with several different citation styles will appear. Scroll down inside this window to locate the style you need for your assignment. You can copy and paste what you need into a Word document. However, remember that these citations could have errors. So make sure you double check for accuracy. In order to access the full-text of this article, look to the left side of the screen. Under the heading detailed record, you may see more than one option. In this example, we chose PDF full text because that option will show us the most complete version as it appeared in print including all of the images, charts, and graphs. In order to download or print your article, use the icons inside the PDF window. If you would like more information on how to effectively search in the HACC databases, check out our other videos or contact a librarian for help.

Find Your Database Source Here

ProQuest Central

ProQuest Central

Searches across all ProQuest databases. Articles from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers covering every subject area and news topics.



Searches across all EBSCOhost databases simultaneously.