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ENGL 102 - English Composition II - Shepard

Rhetorical Triangle


Rhetorical Triangle

You can use the rhetorical triangle to evaluate information. 



Look at the competence and expertise of the author in the area they are writing. 



Consider who the information is written for and whether you fit into that group.



Use the context of where the information is found as well as the context within which it was written.

John Oliver -- Scientific Studies

SIFT Information Evaluation Habits


  • Do you know the website?
  • What is its reputation?
  • What is your purpose?
  • How do you feel?
  • Consider cognitive biases.

Investigate the Source

  • What exactly is the source?
  • What can you find out about the website?
  • What about the author?
  • Is it worth your time?

Find Other Coverage

  • Is other coverage similar?
  • Can you find a better source?
  • One more trusted?
  • More in-depth?
  • What do expert sources agree on with coverage?

Trace to the Original Source

  • Can you find the original source?
  • What is the original context?
  • Has it been accurately presented?