If you don't know what topic to choose, start with a general subject area, then browse the library shelves, databases, or the Internet for ideas.
Select a topic.
Example: Asthma
What do you already know about the topic? What do you want to say about the topic?
Example: Asthma is a respiratory condition. It can be life-threatening. People with asthma usually require treatment to control their symptoms. People with asthma often limit their activity.
What is your opinion on, or what do you want to investigate about your topic?
Example: I wonder if (or I think) child with asthma can safely participate in sports.
Select your search terms from your statement sentence.
Example: It can be healthy for children with asthma to participate in sports.
Select your search terms. Think of related keywords and variations to use as search terms.
asthma respiratory |
health (y) safe (ty) |
sports athletes activity exertion |
Use these words in search boxes in the library catalog, databases, and on the Internet to gather information to support your argument. Some will work, some will not. Keep track of which terms are useful and note which databases you searched.
Background sources such as encyclopedias and dictionaries can give a broad overview of a topic, assist in developing search terms, and help lead you to the sources you will use in your paper.