Navigate this guide by using the links to the left.
Reference Resources links you to records for encyclopedias and dictionaries, which are great resources for finding background information on a topic.
Books recommends some useful subject headings (links included) for finding human services-related books, and provides a quick search box for the HACC Catalog.
Journals features direct links to specific, reputable social work and human services journals, as well as a list of databases which are strong in the area of human services. Great for finding those scholarly journal articles for human services research assignments!
Web Sites will introduce you to internet resources which are strong in the areas of human services and social work.
Statistics introduces resources for finding statistics on many areas related to human services.
Career Information includes links to professional organizations and career information of interest to human services and social work majors. If you are considering majoring in one of these areas, definitely check this page out!
Citing Sources provides assistance in APA citation style.