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NURS 143 - Informatics in Nursing Practice - Bauer


In Nursing 143, you will need to know how to find evidence-based articles by topic, and through provided citations.

We also have a HACC-wide Nursing guide that supports all of your nursing classes.

Getting Help with research or citations from a librarian is easy whether it is a quick online chat or by making an appointment.

Check out the Databases link to learn more about scholarly/peer reviewed articles, and how to find them.

Campus Library Services

Spring 2025 Library Services: 

Evidence-Based Practice

"The EBP process involves four steps.

  1. Converting clinical problems into answerable questions involves formulating either general (background) or care-specific (foreground) questions, such as the following: Background question – What is the effect of tobacco smoking on the circulatory system? Foreground question – Does clinician counseling result in a higher rate of smoking cessation among smokers in primary care practice than written materials?
  2. Locating best evidence with maximum efficiency involves information management skills including, especially, the use of electronic databases.
  3. Critically appraising evidence for its validity, importance, and usefulness involves application of specific criteria to determine the methodological rigor, significance, and generalizability of research findings.
  4. Integrating this appraisal with clinical expertise and patient values involves considering how research-based best evidence corresponds to clinicians' prior experiences and unique knowledge of both the patient and the situation."

Writing as a Professional Nurse

Need help understanding basic nursing concepts?

Check out these popular book series!