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Tech Loan : Dropoff Instructions

Learning Commons: Technology Assistance

Tech Loan Drop Off

For information regarding drop off for the Technology and Internet Access Loan Program please select your campus below:

Pick ups and drop offs for Tech Loan are located in room 133. This room is on the 1st floor and is located near the Learning Commons and the Nursing Program. 

Gettysburg tech loan map Room 107

Pick ups and drop offs for Tech Loan are located in McCormick Library in room 107 on the first floor.

mccormick library map


mccormick library map

Pick ups and drop offs for Tech Loan are located on the second floor of the Main Building in room 226N. This room is in the Library/Learning Commons area.

lancaster campus map Lancaster campus tech loan map. Main 226N

Pick ups and drop offs for Tech Loan are located on the third floor of the Lebanon Campus in room 301. This room is in the Library/Learning Commons area.

Lebanon Campus book drop map

Pick ups and drop offs for Tech Loan are located in the York Leader Building in room 105. This room is down the hall from the bookstore.

York campus book drop map York campus book drop map



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Rm 133
McCormick Library, 107A
Main, Rm 226- Library 
Learning Commons, Rm 301
Leader, Rm 105