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Research Literacy for Massage Therapist

Activity #1 - New Era article

You will be divided into small online groups where you will have about 25 minutes to:   1. read an assigned section of the article below and 2. discuss your assigned question. Please decide who will be the main speaker when we report back to the class. 

Pyramid of evidence

Activity #2.1 - What type of article is this?

What type of article is this?
Case report: 6 votes (22.22%)
Systematic review: 20 votes (74.07%)
Meta-analysis: 1 votes (3.7%)
Total Votes: 27

Activity 2.2 - What kind of article is this?

What kind of article is this?
Case report: 19 votes (79.17%)
Systematic review: 5 votes (20.83%)
Meta-analysis: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 24

Activity 2.3 - What kind of article is this?

What kind of article is this?
Case report: 0 votes (0%)
Systematic review: 1 votes (3.7%)
Meta-analysis: 26 votes (96.3%)
Total Votes: 27