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PSYC 101 - General Psychology - Bailey


 Scientist states discoveries are useless if taken out of context, Media reports that scientist claims their discovery is useless.

This guide is intended to help you complete your research assignment for Professor
Bailey's PSYC 101 class this semester. On this guide you will find information about
scholarly and popular sources of psychology information. There are resources to
help you locate a popular article, tips on identifying the origin of their information,
and how to locate the full text of the scholarly research article the popular source
bases their information on. 

Current Library Services


Making An ILL Request

If the full text of your article is not available in the library databases, we can request it from another library.  Follow these steps:

  • Start at the Library Home Page.
  • In the menu on the left of the screen, select "Services"
  • From the pop-up menu, select "Request Materials--ILL"
  • When the form displays, set the Request Type to "Interlibrary Loan Article Request."

Fill out the form with the required information about the article: be sure that you provide both the title of the specific article and the title of the journal it appeared in.  

If you have trouble with the form, chat with a librarian for help.  

Your article will be sent to you via email.  Usually, the process takes a few days, but in rare instances, it might be as much as two weeks, so make your request in plenty of time!  

In Class