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ENGL 003 - Reading III - Rainville

Class guide to College Level Research

Welcome to the Library!

This guide will introduce you to the resources and services provided by HACC libraries. Use the information on these pages to successfully complete your assigned research projects. These include:

Databases: Collections of professionally published, credible information, much of which is not freely avaiable on the internet. Accessible only to students through the Library link myHACC, they contain news, periodical (magazine), and scholarly journal articles along with ebooks, vetted websites, videos, and reference materials. Databases are ideal for student research because they contain tools for searching and basic citations for most items. The Articles section of this guide contains links to recommended databases and an instructional video showing how to use them.

MLA Citation Instruction: College research requires proper citation. Failure to cite sources properly, or plagiarism, is a form of Academic Dishonesty and can have serious consequences as described on pages 7 and 8 of your class syllabus. The MLA section of this guide provides explanations, instruction, and examples to follow.

Getting Help: Students taking virtual classes may not be aware of the many library and college resources available to them. Many students have never used these materials before. That is why it is important to ask for help! Librarians are happy to work with students to get them comfortable doing college level research. Make an appointment for a one-on-one session with a librarian. For quick answers, use the live 24/7 chat, instructional video tutorials and links in this guide to stay connected to online and on-campus materials and services.

We're here to help -- don't hesitate to reach out! 


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Library and College Resources

Your Librarian

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Katie Stewart
McCormick Library, Harrisburg Campus

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