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Libretexts Resources & Training

Remixing Tutorials

How to Make a LibreTexts Remix This tutorial will walk you through making a customized text using the LibreTexts remixing tool. Before creating a remix you will need to construct a Remixing Map to guide you in making your remix. The remixing tool can be used for simple tasks like creating a book that consists of select chapters of an existing resource or it can be used to create complex remixes consisting of multiple resources potentially across libraries.

Building Remixing Maps

Building Remixing Maps Before the OER Remixer can be, it is important to construct a Remixing Map. The gist of this map is to identify the content in the libraries (green) that will map into the organization of the new remix (yellow). This requires faculty/instructional designers to explicitly peruse the Bookshelves of other Course Remixes to identify desired content.

Adding Author Bars for Atttribution

Adding Author Bars for Attribution (Meta-Tags) A Quick-Edit tutorial on how to add author bars in the LibreText platform.