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SOCI 201 - Introduction to Sociology - Flavin

Current Library Services

Major Assignment

Locating Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles must contain a statement of the problem and a hypothesis. This information is often found in the Introduction section of the article. The article needs an abstract, a sample population, methods, and results.

locating scholarly articles

  • Full Text: Place a check mark next to the Full Text box to receive results that contain entire articles. Abstracts will not be part of the search results; only full text articles will be located in the search results.
  • Scholarly Articles: Place a check mark next to Scholarly (peer review) Journals for scholarly articles.

Locating Scholarly Articles
  • Full Text: Place a check mark next to the Full Text box to receive results that contain entire articles. Abstracts will not be part of the search results; only full text articles will be located in the search results.
  • Scholarly Articles: Place a check mark next to Scholarly (peer review) Journals for scholarly articles.

Faculty Librarian: Mrs. Wollaston MSLIS, MS, MA

Profile Photo
Diane Wollaston
Working Remotely and Brossman Library
Lancaster Main Building
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Subjects: Faculty, Lancaster, Lebanon