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BUSI 290 - Business Capstone - Neff

Finding PESTEL (Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Environmental, Legal) Information and More

To find PESTEL information other other details about your company such as firm or market analyses, you can:

1. Look at company information.

Go to the Company Research section of this guide, and follow the steps to find general company information in library databases and via Google. Often, details about political, economic, sociocultural factors, etc., will be woven throughout this information. 

2. Try additional searching.

Option 1 - Search library databases

Try doing an advanced search in either Business Source Complete or ProQuest (Business). For example:

  1. Go to Business Source Complete. 
  2. Type your company name into the first search box, for example: Starbucks
  3. Click the "Select a Field" button next to the search box and select CO Company Entity.
  4. Type a relevant term or PESTEL element into the second search box, for example: politic* (Tip: The asterisk symbol acts as a wildcard character that allows you to search for all variations of a word, e.g. politics, political, politician, etc.) 
  5. Click Search. 
  6. Browse the results for relevant articles.


Option 2 - Search via Google

You can also try to find more information about your company with a Google search (e.g., "Starbucks politics"), but you will need to carefully evaluate the results to ensure that you are finding credible, accurate information. Refer to the SIFT evaluation method at the bottom of this page for guidance.

Evaluating Information with SIFT


  • Do you know the website?
  • What is its reputation?
  • What is your purpose?
  • How do you feel?
  • Consider cognitive biases.

Investigate the Source

  • What exactly is the source?
  • What can you find out about the website?
  • What about the author?
  • Is it worth your time?

Find Other Coverage

  • Is other coverage similar?
  • Can you find a better source?
  • One more trusted?
  • More in-depth?
  • What do expert sources agree on with coverage?

Trace to the Original Source

  • Can you find the original source?
  • What is the original context?
  • Has it been accurately presented?